The base URL for talkzuri OmniChannel messaging API calls is:

Your talkzuri project

Requests made to talkzuri APIs must be authenticated using your project's API Key and The Project's name. This is the specific name of the Project making the request.

Your talkzuri API Key

You must first create a Project to access its API Key. Once you create a project, Click the API Credentials button on your New project' Dashboard to find your API Key. When a new API key is generated, you can no longer use the old one. If you forget your API key, you can retrieve it from your talkzuri dashboard settings menu.

Making an API call

You need to include the project (ie. project name eg. Galaxion Project ) as follows . Note that the place where the project should be included depends on the type of request.

-For GET requests, the project should be passed as a query parameters. eg. project=Your_Api_Project_Name
-For POST requests in which parameters are sent as a url encoded form the project should be included as one of the parameters within the form.
-For POST requests that use JSON in the request body the project should be included in the JSON sent in the body of the request

Including the apiKey. The apiKey may be included in the following ways.

-As an Authentication Header with a bearer token being the apiKey, Bearer Your_Api_Key for both GET & POST requests.
-As a query parameter apiKey=Your_Api_Key for GET requests
-As one of the parameters for POST requests in which parameters are sent as a url encoded form.
-Within the JSON body "apiKey":"Your_Api_Key" for both POST & GET requests that use JSON in the request body.