Introduction to Sozuri OmniChannel API

Welcome to Sozuri RESTful OmniChannel API which allows you to send and receive messages on multiple communication channels, at scale, using a single integration. The Sozuri’s RESTful OmniChannel API currently supports SMS and WhatsApp for Business with more channels to be added soon. Easily scale your messaging and add more channels without the need to update your integration. You integrate once-off with the OmniChannel API, and Sozuri will handle the interpretation of all the different channel requirements. Unified reporting allows for a single view of all your messaging activity regardless of the channel.

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How to Get started with the Sozuri OmniChannel API

1. Register your Sozuri account.

2.Determine whether you need to apply for a number. If you want to get started with one-way SMS, you can do that straight away without a dedicated number. If you want to send two-way SMS (send and receive replies), you need to apply for a two-way number. Read more in our FAQs about which type of two-way number will be best for your business, and how to apply. If you want to configure the WhatsApp channel, you can get started by applying for your business to be verified on the WhatsApp network. You can do this from within your Sozuri account. We’ll work with you on the approval process. Learn more about how the WhatsApp application and approval process works.

3.You can configure an integration in the sandbox environment by clicking on 'Test Sandbox' from the dashboard on the left-hand navigation in your Sozuri account.

4. Add your test phone numbers to send and receive test messages from the sandbox environment. You can add up to five test phone numbers to your Sozuri account here. You can also find more information in the FAQs to help with troubleshooting when sending test SMS messages or sending test WhatsApp messages from the sandbox environment.

5. To configure a production-ready integration, or to publish your integration from the sandbox to the production environment, just reload your account with credits.

Type of Messages supported on the Sozuri OmniChannel API

Type of message SMS Whatsapp
Plain text Yes Yes
Rich text n/a Yes
Media n/a Yes
Template Yes Yes
URL Preview Yes Yes

The base URL for Sozuri OmniChannel messaging API calls is: